BeachbodySports & Fitness

Starting My Fitness Journey with P90X3

P90X3 Workout DVDs
Decided to get back in shape and try P90X3!

So my girlfriend, Anna, recently decided that she would join team Beachbody to help her reach her weight loss and fitness goals. She did a lot of research and thought that their programs would give her the best chance for success. She decided to go all out and also become a Beachbody coach. That way she could help motivate others while working on obtaining her fitness goals.

Anna chose to go with the Shakeology and P90X3 program. Once the products came in, she was extremely excited. She couldn’t wait to get started and immediately started reading all the materials about how to get started. As she was going through everything, she would occasionally ask me to read over something to make sure she understood it correctly.

As I read through the materials, I became intrigued with the program. I always heard the stories and the positive reviews about P90X, but never looked into it that much. After seeing everything and seeing how excited my girlfriend was, I decided that I would join her. I had originally planned to continue just doing my weight workouts as she did her Shakeology and P90X3 program, but I think doing the P90X3 program with her will help us both stay on track.

I have to admit I don’t plan to follow the diet plan but do plan on adjusting my diet to take in fewer calories. Also after reading up on Shakeology, I’m leaning toward using those for breakfast. My diet consists of very few vegetables and fruits. I figure by adding in the Shakeology shakes for breakfast, I’ll instantly improve my nutrient intake and have a little more balanced diet. I want to try it first and make sure it’s something I can work with.

With deciding to do the P90X3 program, it suggests you do your measurements, take photos, and take the fit test. I was a little depressed by how much I’ve let myself go in the past year. Not only with the condition of my body, but also with the results of the fit test. I know as you get older they say your metabolism slows down and you naturally lose athletic ability, but I think in my case it stems more from slowly becoming less active. With all that was going on in life I didn’t notice it. As I look back though, I see that I haven’t been consistent with my workouts, haven’t done as much running, and cut back on the amount of sports I played. I understand that getting older is a part of it, but I just believe that a lot also comes from me not staying on top of my fitness.

Following the suggestion of the P90X3 program to take before pics to show any progress that is made.
Following the suggestion of the P90X3 program to take before pics to show any progress that is made.

I normally hate pics of myself, especially ones with my shirt off, but I’m posting them to help encourage me to get my butt back in gear. I’ll also be posting updates on my experience with the P90X3 program and what I think of Shakeology if I go that route. So here is hoping I stick with it and will have a success story to share with everyone.

The results of my fit test:

  • Resting Heart Rate – 64 bps
  • Pull-ups – 5
  • Vertical Leap – 19.5
  • Push-Ups – 33
  • Toe Touch – 0
  • Wall Squat – 1:10
  • Bicep Curls – 12 reps @ 25lbs
  • In and Outs – 27
  • Heart Rate Maximizer (Immediately after/1 min after/2 min after/3 min after/4 min after) – 112/104/100/92/88
Starting measurements for the P90X3 workout program.
Starting measurements for the P90X3 workout program.


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I was originally born in Missouri, but traveled around most of my childhood. My mom finally got tired of moving while we were in Dallas, Texas and I have been here ever since. After high school I started college at the University of North Texas (UNT) and started working in the computer field. I currently work for JCPenney as a front end software engineer for their e-commerce website. Before this I worked for AT&T about 12 years and started with them in 1999 (when they were Southwestern Bell). I have many passions and I really love photography. Besides photography I also love sports. I not only like to watch it, but I also love to play. Currently my friends and I play indoor soccer and flag football.

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