Working Out to Get Ready for Snowboarding

With snowboarding season fast approaching I have decided to actually do some workouts geared toward getting me ready for the season. I have been working out consistently to get into summer shape, but snowboarding will use different muscles and in different ways. Since I’m wanting to do more advanced riding this year, I figure it wouldn’t hurt to try to do things specifically for snowboarding.
So to get myself ready to do some awesome riding and jumps this year I have added squats, dumbbell lunges, lateral lunges, box jumps, and wall sits to my workout. Since I’m not looking to bulk up I am not really concerned about heavy weights. I’m using weights that give my legs a nice burn and do reps to get them use to constant usage.
The biggest surprise for me was the wall sits. I use to do these when I was younger and definitely don’t remember them being this difficult. I started out doing 3 sets at 30 seconds each. Before I started doing them I thought to myself that 30 seconds should be pretty easy but would be good enough to get started. Boy was I wrong. My legs felt like they were on fire after about 15 seconds. I pushed through it though and now my last set is at 45 seconds. I’m trying to work my way up to 2 minutes.
Besides just doing workouts I’m also getting myself to how things feel with the board on. So I’ve started doing standing jumps with boots on and strapped into the board. I’m also doing box jumps strapped into the board. The box is about 2 feet tall. I figure if I can easily jump on and off the box with no momentum, I should be able to do some cool things on the slopes. At least that is the thinking right now.
Here are some videos for your entertainment:
Offseason Snowboarding Workout
Offseason Snowboarding Workout Attempt #2
Once the snowboarding season kicks off and we make some trips I’ll have some snowboarding videos that hopefully will show how much the workouts and preparation paid off!