Beginning of Snowboarding Season 2011-2012

Winter is almost officially here and with that comes snowboarding season! Although I love summer activities like sand volleyball and boating on the lake, I’ve been looking forward to snowboarding since our last trip to Sipapu, NM in April. We had a blast but it was a fairly short trip.
So we have had to wait eight long months, but snowboarding time has almost arrived. I’m hoping to make at least three trips this season. I wish I lived somewhere closer to a mountain so I could go more often, but I’ll just have to maximize my fun when I can go.
Our first trip of the season will be Sipapu. We had a lot of fun last time but the majority of the mountain was closed off since it was so late in the season. We plan to head out on December 16th and stay till the 20th. This will give us four solid days on the mountain. It’ll also be my first chance to use my new gear. I have a new board, boots, and bindings! Hopefully we’ll get some more awesome videos and photos.
For our second trip we are planning to go to Loveland Ski Area in Colorado around the middle of March. We haven’t been snowboarding in Colorado yet and figure this would a good place to start. The mountain is one of the smaller ski areas and probably works best for our skill level. There are actually many places in Colorado I would love to try out when we start planning more trips.
I’m not sure what we will do for our third trip this year. I thought about visiting a friend in California and going to a slope up there. I believe their season is a little longer. So if I can’t squeeze it in between our other two trips, I might be able to go a little later in the season.