
Going All In With Swift Development

swift source logoThe Swift programming language has gained some traction since Apple released it as open source. At first, I thought it was just going to be a new programming language for iOS development. Looking at it now though, I see more potential for it.

My Development Experience

In my development experience, I have always been a jack of all trades. I would switch programming languages depending on the need and the request of my superiors. I’ve developed in C++, Java, C#, PHP, Perl, JavaScript, Object-C, and now Swift. I’ve always enjoyed developing in C based languages. That is probably because I started out with C++. It just feels like home to me, but for web development, I became proficient with the scripting languages. Then, of course, I had to use C# for any development I did for the Windows platform.

As I started reflecting on what I want to accomplish personally with my development, I’ve concluded I want to become a master at one language. I’ve decided that language will be Swift. I can continue doing iOS development with it. I can also do some Android development utilizing platforms like SCADE. They even have server-side web development solutions now like Vapor or Perfect. Since I’ve become more interested in machine learning, I did a little research and found swift libraries so I can use Swift instead of python.

Swift in my Future

So no matter which direction I want to go in, it seems that I will be able to utilize the Swift programming language. This hopefully, will allow me to become a true expert with it and be able to do some really advanced development. I have some ideas for some software I want to develop, I just need the free time to do it.

So to begin I have started a site to host a forum for Swift. It will take time to build a user base, but my goal is for it to be the main source for Swift developers to get help or answers to tricky questions. This will help me become an expert in the language and will allow me to give back to the community.

I also hope to contribute some development work to the open source community. Since Swift is very new, there will probably be plenty of opportunities for me to contribute. This is something I have wanted to do since I started learning to program in college.

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I was originally born in Missouri, but traveled around most of my childhood. My mom finally got tired of moving while we were in Dallas, Texas and I have been here ever since. After high school I started college at the University of North Texas (UNT) and started working in the computer field. I currently work for JCPenney as a front end software engineer for their e-commerce website. Before this I worked for AT&T about 12 years and started with them in 1999 (when they were Southwestern Bell). I have many passions and I really love photography. Besides photography I also love sports. I not only like to watch it, but I also love to play. Currently my friends and I play indoor soccer and flag football.

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