Personal Review of the Pyle Sports PSCHD60 Action Cam
There was a Woot deal for the Pyle PSCHD60 Full HD Action Cam so I figured I would go ahead and get one. My favorite color is blue so I picked the blue version. I already have a GoPro Hero2 and GoPro Hero3+ Black Edition. The Pyle Sports action cam was a lot cheaper so I was curious to how the quality would stack up against the GoPros.

Based on specs alone the Pyle PSCHD60 is sort of a cross between the GoPro Hero3+ white and silver editions. I didn’t know what to expect because the Pyle PSCHD60Â had just recently been released and there weren’t any reviews or people with hands on experience. I have to say I was a little surprised when the Pyle PSCHD60Â finally arrived.
It was a little cheap feeling but the LCD on the back was pretty cool. The user interface wasn’t bad and was easy to configure. Luckily I had a snowboarding trip to Alaska planned and didn’t have to wait long to test out the cameras capabilities.
For my GoPro I keep the setting at 60fps at 1080p and the video always looks pretty good. There are occasions which I want better slow-mo and probably should lower it to 720p to get the 120fps. Unfortunately I never remember to do that. Anyways, to make the footage comparable I setup the Pyle at 720p at 60fps. I figured I could get some of the same slow-mo effects and use footage from both cameras.
I have to say that I was really disappointed with the footage from the Pyle. It really was awful. I couldn’t use the footage at all. I’m not sure if it was because of casing, low lighting, or what. Here is a side by side comparison between my GoPro 3+ Black Edition and the Pyle PSCHD60.
As you can see the GoPro blows it out of the water. I expected the GoPro would be better in quality, but I really wasn’t expecting that big of a difference. In this case you really do get what you pay for. I’m going to do a few more tests with the Pyle and see if it was just the conditions or settings. That way I can find the perfect conditions in which to use the camera.