Shakeology: Another Tool to Help on Your Fitness Journey

Although I have always been fitness focused, I have never been a fan of protein shakes or supplements. I tend to like doing things in the most natural way possible. So I always just ate a lot of meat and worked out. This has always been good for me. Unfortunately I don’t eat a lot of vegetables and fruits. So after thinking about it, I have probably been depriving my body of all the good stuff that comes in vegetables and fruits.
So when my girlfriend started trying to motivate us to stay fit and live healthier she looked into getting Shakeology. At first I was skeptical of it just because I don’t like taking any type of supplements. I know that it may sound crazy because of all the research that has gone into the supplement industry, but I just thought it would be better stick with food. My girlfriend did research on Shakeology and liked what she had found and decided that she would try it out.
She started using Shakeology and doing the P90X3 workouts together. Naturally I joined her for the workouts but was not sure about the Shakeology. She finally convinced me to try some and it actually didn’t taste that bad. So I started doing research on my own too. I just wanted to check it out and see what the benefits were and what it claimed. To my surprise it wasn’t marketed as a miracle get fit fast scam. From what I read it could be used as a meal replacement to help limit your calories, but more importantly give you tons of nutrients.
With my diet heavily lacking fruits and vegetables, this really appealed to me. I also wasn’t really big on eating breakfast everyday, so I figured it would be a great way to get the nutrients I’ve been lackingĂ‚Â without sacrificing anything. To my surprise it didn’t taste bad and they gave you a bunch of recipes so that you could vary the taste and not get bored with drinking the same flavor over and over again. Unfortunately the chocolate flavored Shakeology comes with a lot more recipes than my favorite flavor of vanilla.
After trying it I ended up buying my own and going with the monthly auto-ship. That way I didn’t have to worry about re-ordering it. I’m pretty bad and keeping track of those type of things. My girlfriend liked the whole thing so much she became a Team Beachbody Coach. Shakeology also has been clinically proven so it really is something you can trust.
I do want to make it clear I don’t think Shakeology is a miracle drink that will instantly make you healthier and fit. If anyone does claim that they are probably trying to scam you. Also everyone is different so what works for some doesn’t work for others. I think if you are trying to get in shape it should be something you look into especially if your diet is lacking essential nutrients like mine.
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