
2018, New Year and New Goals

Looking at my blog, I see that I have not been active for a long time. This is disappointing to me because I really wanted to keep this blog updated just for my sake. It isn’t like I was just wasting the time doing nothing, though.

Since my last post, I have climbed the corporate ladder a bit, gotten married, and had a wonderful baby girl. The last one is the main one that has taken a lot of my attention. I always knew having a kid would cut into your available free time, but I underestimated the amount of time that you constantly think of them.

You worry about their safety, their development, their happiness, and questioning if you are doing a good job. So even if the baby isn’t around, your mind is still focused on them. This isn’t a bad thing, but it is just an adjustment you have to go through. It is a bit better now that she is a little older and I have more confidence in what I’m doing. So now one of my goals for this year is to allow myself some free time for other things in my life. I think it is healthy to have some time just for yourself, but of course, the baby is priority one.

So for this year, I’m making the following resolutions:

  • Get back in shape
    • I want to get down to 155-160
    • I want to workout with weights regularly
  • Write at least 3 mobile apps
  • Post to this blog at least once a week
  • Make regular date nights with my wife
  • Think of ideas to start a business

Some of these goals will be easier than others, but I am feeling really driven to follow through this year. Sometimes in the past, you make resolutions but you only half-heartedly work at them. I guess time will tell, but this post is a start!


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I was originally born in Missouri, but traveled around most of my childhood. My mom finally got tired of moving while we were in Dallas, Texas and I have been here ever since. After high school I started college at the University of North Texas (UNT) and started working in the computer field. I currently work for JCPenney as a front end software engineer for their e-commerce website. Before this I worked for AT&T about 12 years and started with them in 1999 (when they were Southwestern Bell). I have many passions and I really love photography. Besides photography I also love sports. I not only like to watch it, but I also love to play. Currently my friends and I play indoor soccer and flag football.

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