My Fitness Struggles This Year

So this year my girlfriend, Anna, and I decided we were going to get fit and try to have a healthier lifestyle. She became a Beachbody coach and we decided to start with the P90X3 workouts. It was a slow start but eventually we really started getting in the groove.
I also decided to use Shakeology to help get nutrients that I wouldn’t otherwise get. To my surprise I actually liked Shakeology and felt that it benefitted me. In 60 days I lost 13lbs and I was seeing good results. Besides that I just felt like I had more energy and I could tell a difference while I was playing soccer.
This was going good for the first part of the year, but then we started traveling for vacations and other occasions. This interrupted our workout routine. Like most people we kept trying to say “We’ll get back on track tomorrow”. But when tomorrow arrived there was a new reason and a new excuse to keep putting it off. Before we know it, three months goes by without working out regularly. I notice myself getting tired quicker in soccer and really having to push myself to get through a game.
Then when I finally weigh myself and discover I have put back on most of what I previously lost. You are probably thinking that this is a common struggle for most people. Well you are right. There is nothing special or different with us. We just lost our focus and once that is gone it becomes harder and harder to find the motivation to get back on track.
It just goes to show that no matter how much you are in shape or how good you have a routine going, that you can easily slip and find yourself in a hard spot. Luckily not all the progress was lost so I’m hoping that it won’t take too long to get back my fitness level. Then I’m hoping that I can keep the momentum going and really reach my weight and fitness level.
My girlfriend is in the middle of doing the 21 day fix, but after that we are both going to start the Insanity workouts. So keep checking back for updates and my personal review of the Insanity workout program.