
Bring Back the Fuppets!

Purple Fuppet and Green Fuppet talking
From boredom, drinks, and twisted minds came the first Fuppet episode: "Bored on Fuppets"

Ever seen the Fuppets? If you haven’t you have missed out on some funny stuff. It is an adult puppet show that is meant to be just pure comedy.

They started out of boredom, some drinks, and late night insanity. As a couple of my friends and I were bored just chilling at my house, we thought it would be funny to do a puppet show. So we headed off to Wal-Mart at like 2am. As we were browsing in the fabric isle we came across some fuzzy material that we thought would be awesome for some sock puppets.

When we went up to the old woman working the fabric section, it was priceless. She was all curious to what we were up to. She got a kick out of us being interested in crafts. We mentioned it was for puppets but didn’t go into details of exactly how we would be using these puppets. She was very helpful though.

So after gathering the fabric and other material to make our puppets we went back to my place and set out on making them. Some socks, googly eyes, pipe cleaners, fabric, and a hot glue gun later the Fuppets were born. Being completely unorganized and just jumping into it, we created the first Fuppet episode “Bored on Fuppets”.

Overall I think it was pretty good. It wasn’t the most efficient process, but it got the job done. Since we liked it, we decided to do a second Fuppet episode “Fuppet Football”. This time it was based on a flag football game I was involved in. So we thought it would be funny to make the Fuppets sport casters of a sports show.

Like the first episode this one was put together somewhat quickly and not in the most efficient manner. So we decided that we would script out a season full of episodes and then film them so that we could make a more finished product. Unfortunately as things go in life, we all ended up getting distracted with things here and there and just kept putting it off. We have been able to do some things with the Fuppets, but nothing consistent. Lately we have talked about trying to start things up again, but of course haven’t done anything to get the gears in motion.

It seems that most of the people we show the videos to really like them, and then they usually ask if we are making more. So it seems like it could actually be something that could catch on and be a good thing. So I’m starting this grass-roots campaign to see if we can motivate my friends and I to start this back up and continue the Fuppets. So if you are friends with Jesse Pulsipher or John Gaines on Facebook be sure to hit them up and let them have it!

Feel free to view some more videos from Studio CPD.

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I was originally born in Missouri, but traveled around most of my childhood. My mom finally got tired of moving while we were in Dallas, Texas and I have been here ever since. After high school I started college at the University of North Texas (UNT) and started working in the computer field. I currently work for JCPenney as a front end software engineer for their e-commerce website. Before this I worked for AT&T about 12 years and started with them in 1999 (when they were Southwestern Bell). I have many passions and I really love photography. Besides photography I also love sports. I not only like to watch it, but I also love to play. Currently my friends and I play indoor soccer and flag football.

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