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Breastaurants Are Trending Topic

Breastaurants seem to be the latest craze!

Within the past week it seems that the keyword “breastaurant” is trending. Viewers of my blog post “2011 DFW Breastaurant Shootout” has had an increase in traffic of over 5x. I figured that breastaurants were no big deal by how many that had sprung up. I guess the success of the newer ones is causing a stir.

There does seem to be a lot of new breastaurants popping up. I guess people have finally realized that it isn’t too shabby of a business model. The only thing I can hope is that they will remember that good food actually is a good way to make sure to sustain their business.

I’m also hoping there isn’t a trend to get skimpier and skimpier with the uniforms of the girls they employee. There is a fine line between a fun atmosphere and just being perverted. If someone wants to see girls practically naked maybe they should go to a strip club instead of a breastaurant. I think the best breastaurants find the right balance between the girls being eye candy and it being an eating establishment.


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I was originally born in Missouri, but traveled around most of my childhood. My mom finally got tired of moving while we were in Dallas, Texas and I have been here ever since. After high school I started college at the University of North Texas (UNT) and started working in the computer field. I currently work for JCPenney as a front end software engineer for their e-commerce website. Before this I worked for AT&T about 12 years and started with them in 1999 (when they were Southwestern Bell). I have many passions and I really love photography. Besides photography I also love sports. I not only like to watch it, but I also love to play. Currently my friends and I play indoor soccer and flag football.

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